
The Radian Release

Pocket Inequality Is A REAL Problem

Pocket inequality is a real problem baked into the system of fashion. When you compare men’s versus women’s clothing, men are more likely to have functional spaces to put money, keys, and ID. Women’s clothing does not have the same privilege.

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Are Women's Pockets Inferior?

Shopping in 2022 has more options and scrutiny for women. One must decide if buying online or in-person makes sense for their style. You may ask, “Are women’s pockets inferior in apparel compared to men’s pockets?” The answer is yes. As for why the pockets are inferior, that requires going into fashion history. 

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Women’s Jeans vs. Men’s Jeans: The #1 Difference

When looking at men’s jeans vs. women’s jeans, you need to know the #1 difference between the clothes. Designers implement some stylistic choices when creating these outfits for companies. They also distinctly change the pocket size when working with jeans for two different types of people.

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Why Don't Women's Jeans Have Proper Pockets?

Shopping for women varies depending on the occasion. Business formal wear has different requirements compared to black tie for informal weekend outfits. One aspect remains common, however: functional pockets are rare.

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